Mexico has the highest increment in the suicide index worldwide.
At least 50% of its population suffers from a mental disorder before they turned 25, and it does not get treated due to a high stigma. Men are the most affected, as they tend to fall into drug addiction as a way to get through it.
In a working environment, 43% of employees have stress and, 33% are workaholics. Every year the world economy loses US$1 billion due to depression and anxiety at work; but for every US$1 invested in mental health, there is a US$4 return.
A Mexican Norm that promotes identification and analysis of psychological risks, prevention and control of workplace violence, and a healthy environment promotion (apdo 5.0). The norm suggests:
Baja productividad
La economía mundial pierde US$1 mil millones al año debido a depresión y ansiedad en los trabajadores.
Rotación de personal
Entre 5-6 millones personas en E.U.A. sin voluntad de buscar, encontrar o mantener un empleo debido a un trastorno.
"Por cada US$1 invertido en la extensión del tratamiento de los trastornos mentales frecuentes se obtiene un rendimiento de US$4 en mejora de la salud y la productividad"
(World Health Organizacion, 2019)
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*Cumplir con NOM035 ahorra de 22 hasta 240 mil pesos en multas.
Mejora el ambiente laboral
Ahorra costos
Resilencia entrando o saliendo del trabajo
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A Three-level action
To prevent and promote mental health at an organizational level, to inform and sensibilize about mental health at a group level and, to give therapy at an individual level. (apdo. 8.5).
Promoting politics
To spread and promote prevention politics and complain measures to fight workplace violence. (apdo. 5.7).
Monitoring and control
To keep track of possible psychosocial risks during the analys. To take control measures to improve mental health. (apdo. 5.8).
Risk factor analysis
Workload, uncontrolled decision making process, unbalanced work-family environment, etc. (apdo.7.2). To be analyzed every 2 years. (apdo. 7.9).
En corto
Salud mental en Chihuahua
1 de 4 lo padecen
50% lo padece antes de 25 años
1 de 5 pide ayuda
33% son adictos al trabajo
43% padece estrés laboral
Hombres en mayor riesgo por tener mayor estigma.
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